A responsive Google map that permits more than one markers in line with map and more than one maps in step with page. Comprises fullscreen view and marker clustering. No API key required. Easy easy setup. No lengthy complex shortcodes to generate via hand. As easy as making a map, fast add a area, replica the straightforward shortcode to the web page you need the map on, and also you’re done.
Now contains custom map kinds!
- WordPress 3.5 or later
- jQuery (integrated with WordPress)
Compatible With
- Chrome
- FireFox
- Safari
- Opera
- IE 7+
Features Include
- Responsive map
- More Than One locations on one map
- More Than One maps according to page
- Add your individual marker icons
- Fullscreen view
- Custom navigation colors
- Path to and from anyplace
- Custom infowindow content material (you can even add pictures)
- Categorize locations
- No API key wanted (except you want to)
- International and in step with map choices
- Display area and map pages as individual pages
- Quick upload of locations from map page
- Other map varieties (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain)
- Enable/disable person location
- Auto zoom and fit
- Customized default marker icon or standard Google maker icon
- Custom map sizes
- Customized marker cluster icons
- Simple shortcodes
- Permit/disable several other map controls
- Works on protected(https) and non-protected(http) web sites
- Weather & cloud layer
- Panoramio layer with symbol filter by ID or tag
- Customized map kinds
- User based entrance-finish internationalization
- Entrance-end internationalized in numerous languages
- Back-finish internationalization in a position
- Load locations asynchronously
- Visual Composer Block
Map with a couple of options
Map with Panoramio layer filtered by means of tag
Map with climate and cloud layers
Map with custom evening taste
Map with custom colorful style
Change log
1.1.9 - 2014/01/THIRTEEN * Removed unused libraries from Google Maps API requests. 1.1.8 - 2014/12/23 * Fixed factor with default zoom box no longer in tab on map edit page. 1.1.7 - 2014/12/01 * Delivered skill to disable map dragging. 1.1.6 - 2014/09/05 * Enabled map pages to be viewed in admin menu phase. * Fastened array() errors all over initial install * Fixed factor with WP 4.0 and media uploader 1.1.5 - 2014/06/10 * Fixed class map most effective appearing "post_per_page" selection of markers * Added max zoom to marker clusters to forestall shut markers from not showing * Brought "Get Started in Fullscreen" characteristic for individual maps. 1.1.4 - 2014/05/21 * Introduced additional options to "Cluster Settings" for colour and extra icons * Enhanced map responsiveness performance * Fastened map now not rendering accurately if hidden whilst initially rendered * Fixed "Cluster Settings" issue with getimagesize function returning null 1.1.3 - 2014/04/28 * Mounted factor with visible editor for area data 1.1.2 - 2014/04/25 * Introduced fortify for custom marker cluster icons. * Added filter to the metabox and metabox input fields. * Mounted "array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array" bug while add_metabox action is called through other plugins. * Fixed report reference issue with window servers * Spelling corrections * Minor computer virus fixes 1.1.1 - 2013/12/19 * Brought Visual Composer Block compatibility * Added "infowindow_content" clear out to the output of the infowindow content material * Fastened "Invalid argument equipped for foreach()" computer virus while exhibiting a area page. * Mounted mistaken enqueued JavaScript inflicting incompatibility with LayerSlider * Code optimizations * Minor computer virus fixes 1.1 - 2013/12/18 * Delivered Custom Map Styles * Brought minified variations of JavaScript * Entrance-end internationalized in several languages(de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, pt, ru, zh) * Again-end internationalization in a position (de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, ja, pt_PT, ru_RU, zh_CN) Translations via Google Translate * .pot files integrated * UI enhancements / extra cleanup * Delivered customers area as default placeholder for directions for browsers that make stronger it * Allowed places to be loaded asynchronously * Added ability to opposite instructions * Computer Virus fixes 1.0.3 - 2013/10/24 * Added map climate layer with additional options * Delivered map cloud layer * Added map Panoramio layer with further options * Delivered map centering on window resizing to make extra responsive * UI improvements / Wiped Clean up choices * Fixed factor with json_encode() having parameters 1.0.2 - 2013/10/18 * Introduced custom colour to map navigation bar * Delivered allow/disable fullscreen * Introduced permit/disable reset map button * Introduced permit/disable vehicle are compatible map button * Brought extra marker images * Malicious Program fixes 1.0.1 - 2013/10/15 * Removed namespacing and made the whole lot elegance primarily based * Removed PHP 5.3 or upper requirement 1.0 - 2013/09/SIXTEEN * Preliminary LiberateFULL DOWNLOAD
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